Sunday, December 16, 2012

HOW TO REPAIR YOUR BB BlackBerry Bold 9000 disassembling

  • Remove your back cover, battery, sim and memory card. Six screws need to be removed, circled below. The battery compartment should now be loose and can be lifted away from the rest of the phone.
BlackBerry Bold 9000 disassembly stage 1
  • With the battery compartment removed your phone should look like below. Starting at the bottom of the phone, lift the circuit board up and slide it away from the front cover, in the direction shown by the arrows.
BlackBerry Bold 9000 disassembly stage 2
  • With the circuit board removed your phone should look like below. A ribbon connector (circled) needs to be disconnected. It attaches like a plug and socket. Just lever this up to unplug.
BlackBerry Bold 9000 disassembly stage 3
  • Now turn the circuit board over. The screen is held in place by double sided tape so to release it slide something like a credit card in-between the screen and circuit board.
BlackBerry Bold 9000 disassembly stage 4
  • You should now have the LCD screen removed. Reverse the whole procedure for reassembly.
BlackBerry Bold 9000 disassembly stage 5

If you have any questions about BlackBerry Bold 9000 disassemblING EMAIL US @ OLUTECHNOLOG@GMAIL.COM