Sunday, December 16, 2012

Repair guides » Nokia 2680 Slide disassembly

  • Remove your back cover, battery and sim. Move the slide up and then remove the two circled screws.
Nokia 2680 Slide disassembly stage 1
  • Starting at the top of the phone, run something like a credit card around the join of the front cover to release it from the rest of the phone.
Nokia 2680 Slide disassembly stage 2
  • With the front cover removed your phone should look like below.
Nokia 2680 Slide disassembly stage 3
  • First remove the earpiece by levering the black part at the points indicated by the arrows. Then slide something like a credit card under the left side of the LCD screen. Try not to lever the screen just slide the card under it until it releases.
Nokia 2680 Slide disassembly stage 4
  • With the earpiece removed your phone should look like below. The LCD screen is still attached by a ribbon cable. This attaches like a plug and socket. Just lever this up to unplug.
Nokia 2680 Slide disassembly stage 5
  • You can now remove the screen, as shown below. If you only want to remove the LCD screen then you don't need to go any further.
Nokia 2680 Slide disassembly stage 6
  • Turn the phone over and remove the six circled screws. The two at the bottom are the smaller size screws. Remember this when you put the phone back together.
Nokia 2680 Slide disassembly stage 7
  • Now open the phone like a book, as shown below, noting that a ribbon cable is still connected on the left. Be careful not to damage this. Now lever the circuit board away from the rest of the phone. Just use your plastic tool to pry it away around the edge of the circuit board.
Nokia 2680 Slide disassembly stage 8
  • Your should now have the back of the phone and circuit board separated. A ribbon connector (circled) needs to be disconnected. Again, it attaches like a plug and socket. Just lever this up to unplug. The ribbon cable then slides through the gap in the circuit board.
Nokia 2680 Slide disassembly stage 9
  • The keypad will be loose at this point and you can now separate all the main parts of the phone, as shown below. Reverse the whole procedure for reassembly.
Nokia 2680 Slide disassembly stage 10

If you have any questions about Nokia 2680 Slide disassembly, email Or contact us onFacebook for further help with Nokia 2680 Slide disassembly. 

If you require a replacement screen, phone cover and screwdrivers,